Saturday, May 5, 2007

Consider Killing or Amending S.1082

Go immediately to: if you live in the United States, Canada, or Mexico – SIGN THE PETITION. Killing would be good here. I think that we need IAHF, International Advocates for Health Freedom. The Spin Doctors at so called "Natural Solutions Foundation", a controlled opposition group working diametrically against the efforts of IAHF and Allied health freedom groups just fired off yet another barrage of disinformation today titled "Victory Dance" which could cause some people to sit on their hands and not continue to make the effort necessary to kill or amend S.1082. NSF's long standing pattern of attempting to Hijack the health freedom movement in order to divert dietary supplement consumers into dead ends through skillful use of spin, dis-info, and "tell us what we want to hear" in an effort to build a following has been thoroughly exposed by IAHF, the National Health Federation, the Dr.Rath Foundation, and other Allied Groups for the past several years.* If you're receiving their alerts, please don't forward them- doing so hurts our efforts and can be compared to forwarding the most sensationalistic urban legends presently making the rounds in cyberspace.
“Thank you 435,005 times. That's the number of people who used our site to submit their comments to the FDA on their dangerous CAM Guidance through our site. 182,484 succeeded but, since our site was interfered with several times, 252,521 people did not. We were working feverishly to submit those comments manually.”

The CAM Guidance Document was, and still is, a non-issue, and that’s not just IAHF's opinion. It’s been, and from the look of things still IS, being used by NSF to try to DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY from the need to kill or amend S.1082 and from the need to get congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico via which Codex will be ushered into the USA unless we stop it. The CAM Guidance Document was ably exposed as a non-issue by IAHF, followed by Dr. Joseph Mercola , followed by investigative journalist, Peter Barry Chowka, whose scathing indictment of NSF must be read by all for your awareness: .

If the alleged 435,005 people who NSF claims sent comments to the unelected bureaucrats at FDA re the CAM Guidance document (which will never have the force of law) had INSTEAD spent their time and energy assisting IAHF in pushing for congressional oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, something REAL would have happened to GENUINELY defend health freedom- see All of NSF's spin seems designed to steer the health freedom movement AWAY from the anti-globalization movement. See Open Letter to Disinformation Specialist General Albert N. Stubblebine III of "Natural Solutions Foundation"
This Open Letter was the only reason NSF went through the MOTIONS of "getting involved" with the S.1082 issue in the first place, and now they're attempting to proclaim a non existent "victory" in an apparent effort to get you to sit on your hands! Don't fall for it!!

Go to this site:

Sign Petition

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