Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Consider ForeverGreen Leads

The Health, Kindness, Opportunity company that distributes FrequenSea is ForeverGreen. Ron Williams, Founder, CEO, Chairman of ForeverGreen IP LLC, which is a Publicly Traded, Debt-Free Company that was founded in 2004. Their flagship product, FrequenSea is a unique product in many ways.

Tom Harper, owner of a pacific northwest shell-fish hatchery, needed marine phytoplankton algae for this production. Tom became ill, and his doctors estimated that his life expectancy was short. Tom consumed some of the marine phytoplankton, and within days, his body reacted very favorably, and with the thankfulness of Tiffany Haarsma, Tom’s daughter, is now producing FrequenSea for public distribution thru ForeverGreen. Over sixty vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and phyto nutrients have been revealed as a result of lab tests and reported by Hugo Rodier, MD, Nutrition Professor at University of Utah Medical School. There are two hundred and fifteen species of marine phytoplankton in FrequenSea. Jerry Tennant, MD, Head of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine in Dallas (http://www.jtennantmd.com/learn.php) (Tennant Biomodulator Plus), reports a magical process that allows these microscopic nutrients to be absorbed into our human body even thro the liver and digestive system have shut down. FrequenSea is a whole food. Preman Brady, AMP (Aqueous Molecular Partitioning) Process Inventor, combines several other synergistic ingredients with marine phytoplankton that allows FrequenSea to jump the blood brain barrier. FrequenSea is a truly unique product.

I like FrequenSea, however, I simply could not convince enough people to form a lucrative business. Today I have another business which is very lucrative, and I never buy leads.

May I invite you to the highest ranking business on Google today: http://itsgoodbusiness.net where you never buy leads, make cold calls, and listen to all the rejection.

This is Larry Robinson inviting you to obtain all the details, fill out the contact form, and come to our live web conference room on Saturday to be completely informed. This session is for information only and there is no high pressure permitted.

Email Verification Required

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Consider Natural Vitamin B6 – Naturally:

The FDA, (Food & Drug Administration) has been petitioned by Medicure Pharma, Inc. to ban the sale of Vitamin B6. Pyridoxal phosphate, Vitamin B6, is found naturally in many vegetables, nuts, and grains. Hemoglobin within red blood cells carries oxygen to tissues. Your body needs vitamin B6 to make hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin. A vitamin B6 deficiency can result in a form of anemia that is similar to iron deficiency anemia.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that exists in three major chemical forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. It performs a wide variety of functions in your body and is essential for your good health. For example, vitamin B6 is needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in protein metabolism. It is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. The nervous and immune systems need vitamin B6 to function efficiently, and it is also needed for the conversion of tryptophan (an amino acid) to niacin (a vitamin). Vitamin B6 helps heal carpal tunnel syndrome.

The financial interest of Medicure Pharma, Inc. to receive FDA approval for their "MC-1" as a drug, will result in pricing of their ingredients to range in the 500,000% of actual cost.

Contact: MedWatch, Office Of The Commissioner, Office of Scientific and Medical Programs, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12B05, Rockville, MD 20857, 1-888-463-6332 or your state representative.

Let the share holders of Medicure Pharma, Inc. find other avenues for profit that enhance human life, and inform the FDA that they work for, and are paid by the tax paying citizens of the United States. They need not accept under the table gratuities from profiteering entities.

Your Health Matters

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Consider Its Good Business

Its Good Business
If you are interested in improving your health.
I am suggesting that you visit this web site: http://itsgoodbusiness.net/ Saturday at 3:00 pm.We don't buy leads; we buy customers.Come to the meeting, we will show you how we are taking over the Internet, without any disrespectful claims or comments.The atmosphere is refreshingly different and, enlightening.Come as my guest, tell Tom that Larry sent you.In the mean time, visit http://www.visittrivita.com/13113501
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